Progress update

Migration Tool for Prepar3D v4 will be available on Monday, June 12th.

Prepar3D going 64 bit has added a lot of complexity and Migration Tool will initially have only the core functionality – file redirections and configuration/registry processing. Advanced anti-corruption protections and other features required by the most complex addons return at a later date.

Welcoming Prepar3D v4

Yesterday, Lockheed Martin announced Prepar3D v4, which will be 64 bit – the most significant change to Microsoft Flight Simulator family since FSX came out more than a decade ago. It will allow to vastly increase detail of 3D objects and use far higher resolution textures, a giant leap forward.

Over the past several months, we have been unable to adequately support Migration Tool. Given the huge interest Prepar3D v4 is expected to generate, our ability to give quality support is nowhere near the needed level and we’ve decided to sell Migration Tool to a simulation software company better equipped to lead Migration Tool into Prepar3D v4 era and maintain it for many versions to come.

What to expect:

  • Migration Tool for Prepar3D v4 will be a free update to existing users. Further details will be posted after Prepar3D v4 release.
  • Public support forum will return over the weekend. Topics from the old forum will not be carried over. Instead, they will return in June as a read-only archive.