Prepar3D v2.5 and Migration Tool

Lockheed Martin has released version 2.5 of Prepar3D simulator. It contains some of the most fundamental changes compared to FSX that have ever been implemented on the platform.

Many configuration files have been relocated and some don’t even carry the same contents as they used to. These changes do not only render FSX installers even more obsolete, but also affect a lot of software released for Prepar3D – such as terrain sceneries that need to access the master terrain configuration file (terrain.cfg).

To overcome this, we have updated Migration Tool accordingly and new version is available for download from its product page.

Please note that Migration Tool does not yet make FSInn compatible with Prepar3D v2.5 – such feature will be added sometime this week.

Prepar3D v2.2

Lockheed Martin released version 2.2 of Prepar3D, and Migration Tool has of course been updated to fully support it.

In addition to v2.2 support, the latest version of Migration Tool brings these changes:

  • Migration ToolFSInn aircraft repository can now be rebuilt in normally-run Prepar3D, meaning that there should be no need to use Legacy Mode.
  • Migration Tool can copy default FSX aircraft to Prepar3D (see Tools > Copy default aircraft). This solves many issues that arised from third party airplanes looking for sounds or gauges from default airplanes that weren’t there anymore in Prepar3D.
  • When a backup was manually triggered, Migration Tool did not do a backup of Prepar3D v2 files. This has been fixed.
  • The main window got a slight redesign to accommodate shortcuts.
  • Migration Tool is now also smart enough to automatically disable third party modules that crash Prepar3D.

Updates to Migration Tool continue to be free of charge, and available from its product page.